Tuesday, September 29, 2009

We LOVE you, Skyzoo!

Back in "The Day" we all bathed in the excellence of the lyrics of the like's of Nas, Notorious B.I.G., Jay Z and, Made for Cuban Links. Remember, when no one had to hear about a hissy fit over a video or some chicken. As a matter of fact, I can recall when Rappers weren't even on the Top 10 or concerned about anything except being tru 2 the Game. For a moment I thought that the day would never come again that I wouldn't first have to like a string of catchy hooks before listening to the radio.

This morning I was given a breath of fresh air! There is no doubt in my mind that Skyzoo was paying attention during the hip hop boom of the 80's and 90's. Not only a poet but, by far a true lyricist perfecting iambic pentameter in "You & Me" and, Showing his gully side in "The Necessary Evils". I admit having multiple eargasms while researching Skyzoo!

He is no newcomer to the game either:

Get familiar. At an eager, observant age of just nine, Skyzoo penned his first song about the urban inner city life he witnessed from the window of his 18th floor apartment in Ebbets Field Projects. Fifteen years, six independent mixtapes, an indie EP, over 100 songs and countless fans later, the 25-year-old Skyzoo has matured into one of the game's most elite packages yet. The loyal Brooklynite (splitting his time between Crown Heights and Bedford Stuyvesant), who has already received accolades from a wide range of legends including Buckshot, Dj Drama, Sean Price and EPMD for his street-heavy, sharp narrating style and wit, understands a hip-hop fan's mentality and is prepared to customize music for their eyes and ears. Yes, music for their eyes AND ears. "If they lend me their ears, they're lending me their eyes," says an assuring Skyzoo, who prides himself in the art of storytelling with a street swagger. "I promise you when you hear my music, I promise you, you're going to not only hear something that you've never heard, but see something you've never seen" ~According to his Myspace page.

All I can say is that I am defi trying to get familiar with Skyzoo! And, for the love of non cake-boy hip-hop! I hope that all of you do too.

Love & Swagger,


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Poetry In Motion by Bo Zolland

Have you ever seen the speedboat with the "Butterfly Doors"? This is the R 8, 8 Biocat Catamaran by VIZUALTECH, Designed after an order from a Dubai race boat company. Gotta love Dubai! The Biocat Catamaran will use 1 V10 Diesel or, 2 Regular V8's and run on Biofuel. And,if the design isn't fun enough; This boat is expected to reach speeds in the 100-110 MPH range so, hold on to your seat!

Although, a lazy afternoon float on a Yacht can be relaxing............

How can you even think of relaxing with this adrenalin booster cruising the shoreline!

As I browse the designs of Bo Zolland the theme music of James Bond resonates through my mind. He designs concept boats, yacht's and, cars that can become your reality in only the amount of time that it takes to hand craft his gorgeous creations. Take this 1963 Corvette Stingray inspired boat design. So sleek and, sexy that it could be imagined speeding out of the Bat Cave in hot pursuit for the "Villain On The Go". And these are only two of the beauty's that have caught my heart! I hope that this kill soothes your hunger and, builds dreams for next summer!

Until next time,
Double O Nydi

Images c/o: GermanCarScene and, VIZTECH

Monday, September 21, 2009

Dust that dirt off your shoulder!

Yay Fall! This season is bound to hold many sexy and comfy options for the woman on the go. Seen here is the HALSTON (r) Off-the-shoulder jersey dress in hot pink. So seductive! Paired with a Gritti favourite the thigh-high boot....How could anyone do a thing but love it! I am defi looking forward to seeing what matriculates from the mood of the designers!

Always Yours,

images c/o: NET-A-PORTER.COM

Tupacs Killer Arrested?!!?

Tupacs Killer Arrested?!!?

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Friday, September 18, 2009

After the love is gone...I can see your flaws in 20/20

Admittedly, the video is pretty self explanatory. However, there is more to be said. I know that there are several women who "put up with" Domestic Violence. There is nothing that can be said in order to justify the actions of the man that we will refer to as "The Ex". Or, that of any man that thinks that it's alright to put his hands on a woman. I'll keep this one short and sweet: NEVER PUT UP WITH DOMESTIC VIOLENCE! PERIOD! nuff said


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Who is Dwayne Moore?

Today whilst trying to inspire everyone that I know to check me out I set aside a moment of self loving in order to check out someone else. ( I know momentous!) But, what human eye could gaze on such artistic genius and not take notice? I am speaking of the work of Dwayne Moore CEO and ,Chief Designer of Beyond Human Photography & Design Firm. I am completely sure that we will be seeing more of his work sooner than later. As I browsed the company site, I found myself going through a myriad of emotions. Almost as passionate as my first kiss, and as gentle as a suckling babe. Definitely Coolness and Excellence in an exhalted embrace!

images courtesy of: IamDwayneMoore.com

Dressed to Kill ( or @ least bully)

Ah... the endless search for coolness! I find myself amongst a crowd that seeks it, hides it and, craves it more so than life! Constantly spinning phrases like "I'd rather die than to be seen in that!" And are just as willing to take the life of another for "Stealing their swag" eg. "I would kill for those shoes,car,etc." Wow! was all that I was able to think over that! Hmmmn... Well, what exactly IS swag??? According to Merriam Webster Online:

  • 1swag·ger
  • Pronunciation: \ˈswa-gər\
  • Function: verb
  • Inflected Form(s): swag·gered; swag·ger·ing \-g(ə-)riŋ\
  • Etymology: probably from 1swag + -er (as in chatter)
  • Date: circa 1596

intransitive verb 1 : to conduct oneself in an arrogant or superciliously pompous manner; especially : to walk with an air of overbearing self-confidence
2 : boast, bragtransitive verb : to force by argument or threat : bully

swag·ger·er \-gər-ər\ noun

swag·ger·ing·ly \-g(ə-)riŋ-lē\ adverb

Wait a minute! BULLY! Admittedly, I do know a few..Fashion "Bullies" if you will. As well as swagger Bullies ( I'm sure by now all know of the Kanye, Taylor Swift incident),lol!

Well, I have decided that instead of the hunter or a "Pompous Bully". I feel that I would be better suited as "The Trailblazer" and a hunter that is pleased to share the kill. Look forward to finding me drenched in the light of morning perched and donned in all of the fanciest apparel and gadgetry while doing so.

After all, nobody likes a bully!

Another interesting variation that I took note to was the Swagger Stick:

  • swagger stick
  • Function: noun
  • Date: 1887

: a short light stick usually covered with leather and tipped with metal at each end and intended for carrying in the hand (as by military officers)

Just some food for thought. If I am aroused by style can it be compared to BDSM? Admittedly,I find both to be exhilirating. But,am not certain that they are synonymous. Either way....Me likey!

"Bad girl la la la la la la la la la la la la, All dressed up in fancy clothes!"

Images courtesy of: FASHIONATION & Dazed & Confused - Maria Blaisse.